cchris, you say that you snore, yet you provide a list of options to use on the snor-er. Has anyone ever tried them on you, and have you found that any of them work?
Apparently, I snore like a chain-saw. It doesn't bother me per-se, but it bothers my wife, and that bothers me. I've tried the stupid little strips, and they don't do anything. There is a surgical procedure that is effective, known as an uvulectomy (The uvula is the little thingy that hangs down at the back of your throat). That is very effective. But, aside from that, I would like to be able to find a way to stop.
The best solution I've been able to come up with so far is to make sure that my wife falls asleep first, that way my snoring doesn't keep her up. But, not always successful at that.
You! Out of the Gene Pool!