Originally posted by sadistikdreams
i know how do kill someone with a straw.
it's so fuck'n easy.
but i prefer a little thin pencil. the kind that you put the lead into, because it has a direct path out. And mechianical pencils are sharp. Pokes someone, then blow into the other end. It sends a teeny tiny bubble of air into their bloodstream. the bubble goes to the heart, and they croak.
ummm as someone who deals with infusion therapy on a regular basis it takes alot more than a teeny tiny bubble to kill anyone. Preferably about 10-20 cc fast into the largest vein using the largest needle you can get access to. Even then it may only cause arrythmia and maybe a stroke. The likelyhood that they will croak is very low.
As to everyday weapons:
Ballpoint pens are good. And cheap.
We used to use soap in a sock when I was in boot camp.
The skins around here used to carry the old style really heavy large plastic combs. Apparently if ripped across someones skin fast enough they could cut. The irony that they didn't have any hair seemed to be lost on them.
Lets not for get our household power outlets. Set up properly you could easily electrocute someone. Not a portable weapon by any means. More of a home defense type thing.
Speaking of which...bleach. Ever try to breath with your face covered in bleach? Hose the fucker down with it. If you're lucky he might asphyxiate.