Originally posted by Sleepyjack
Since golf has little->no physicality i don't really think of it as a sport.
I have to disgree with you. Just taking the pro golfers into consideration, in order to win a tournament they have to play four straight days (ignoring practice rounds and the practice range). That involves on average two swings of the golf club (not putting) and walking the course during that time period - at least four miles a day. And have you ever swung a golf club - it does take some energy/strength. Have you noticed how Tiger Woods came on the scene and changed the exercise regimens of almost everyone on tour? He is in perfect shape, regardless of the sport. Don't you think that has something to do with his success.
And for the non-pros, even when riding a golf cart, there is a lot of energy exuded. We aren't as accurate and are most likely swing the club a lot more. (I look at is as getting my money's worth - I get to play longer for the same amount of money as someone who beats me by 20 strokes.
