A really good way to help relax is play with people your really comfortable with.. this can actually make a good difference.
Another key I have found is DONT THINK. The range is where you think. When your playing if you start thinking about stuff.. it will usually make things worse. Like others have said.. Keep your eye on the ball.. you should be able to see your club hit the ball before you look up. Thats about all you should think about besides aiming.. =P
Try swinging easy a few times and get a feel for the kind of distance you'll get if you do that, I think you might be suprised.
Another thing I recently learned that really improved my game fast.. was continuing to follow through the path of the ball. In otherwords when you hit.. kind of throw your arms/club straight down the ball path on the followthrough. kind of hard to explain.. but I hope it helps.
"Your life is yours to live, go out and live it" - Richard Rahl