My family was at a very nice restaurant in DC called Old Ebbitt Grill. The food was fantastic and the dining was very nice, although the waiter was a bit snotty. We're enjoying ourselves thoroughly when at the end of the table, my mom starts laughing.
It turns out there's a moth in her salad. Fortunately it's a whole moth, but a moth nevertheless.
So she turns to the waiter and beckons him over. The waiter smiles, but looks as if he's too important to be bothered. Smiling wider, mom does the "come hither" thing with the finger. The waiter comes over, sees the moth, and his look goes from snooty to "oh shit" in less than a millisecond.
The manager comes out by himself, apologizes profusely, and apparently they cut the bill significantly. At least the look on my grandfather's face seemed to indicate that when he paid it.
All in all a hilarious dining experience.
If ignorance is bliss, you must be having an orgasm.