Jesus Pimp, I feel for you, man. I'm Chinese, too, but luckily my parents have grown soft in their old age and are just happy to see their children married off.
My brother was 35 before he finally got married to a Japanese woman. Now my father has a real problem with the Japanese, due to having to live through the horrors of WWII, so you can understand he was pretty against it at first. Lucky for him my Mom is more open to these things and she steadily worked on him until he finally came to accept it. I could also tell you about my sister who married a Jewish South African, but it'd be pretty much the same story
I'm afraid I don't have much concrete advice for you here. Try going to the parent you feel is more comfortable with you dating non-Chinese girls and talk to them. If you can convince him/her that this relationship is really important to you then maybe they'll help the other parent to come around.
It's important to realize that as a son in a Chinese family you hold a special place and with that place come certain expectations and responsibilities. If you better understand what those expectations are, you can better communicate with your parents and hopefully resolve this problem.