The nastiest thing I've ever done wasn't sexual on my part. I blackmailed my brother's teacher because she was taking out her anger at me on him.
I was a major pain in her ass when I had her, and since my brother was the quiet one in the family, she decided to make his life a living hell - and to fail him on top of it all. I found out about what she was doing, and decided to end this once and for all.
So I left college for the day, drove the 2 hours back home, and arrived just as school was letting out. I walked into her classroom, closed the door, and proceeded to let her know that I had the names of every student she had fucked over the past 6 years, and if I asked them to, they'd probably come forward to tell the School Board all about it.
She blustered and bitched quite a bit, but I just started walking toward the door, and when she asked where I was going I told her that I was heading to the Principal's office to make good on my threat. She got the picture.
...And no, I never screwed her. Too damned skanky for me! Even in High School, I had taste and my pride, damnit!