Hmmmm, what a thread.
First to answer the original question...I wish that sex were equal opportunity for all players. To clarify, first let me put the field from my view into perspective. Though you can say that women have sexual power, by being able to hold it over men's heads, I think that the situation is far different. Men have the power when it comes to sex and here's why. I'll use my situation as an example. I am a bisexual female, who is very open to having all kinds of sexual experiences with all kinds of people. However, I am unable to do such things, because society tells me that
1)It is unacceptable for me to hit on guys (how many macho guys have that "I don't like the chick taking the lead" idea? that is society-enforced)
2)It is unacceptable for me to be interested in kinky stuff (i.e. bondage, facials, etc.) or voice such an interest.
3)Wanting to have one night stands or be friends with benefits makes me a whore.
These are all examples of not just preferences guys have, but ideas that boys grow up believe, though some are able to cast away such society-enforced bullshit. The fact that guys grow up thinking this crap, and girls are taught to feel guilty if they have these kind of feelings puts men in the sexual power position. Even in cases, where guys encourage stuff, like girls masturbating, chicks often feel like they're dirty to do such a thing, but for guys it is a fact of life.
I absolutely never use sex as power, and I think its total crap that girls would do such a thing, but in a way, when girls are brought up thinking that all the previous statements, sometimes holding sex over a guy's head is the only way that they CAN have control over sex. I think that the only way girls will stop doing that kind of thing is if they gain the power to express themselves sexually without being labeled sluts.