I think i've had CSP.. but i'm more or less curious about the sound... that after about 10-20 seconds, the sound dies, and i get up... heh
As for HSP... I still have no fucking clue. There is so much about it. Sure from Mr. Mephisto's POV I had lots of HSP.
But its so weird, I mean Sure I was on my back, and sure I saw a demonic being, and i couldn't tell if I was awake. But there are just other things that go beyond this. First of all, it happened daily for over a month... I lost track past a month's time, but I do know it was over a month of hell( yet HSP is supposed to be RARE). No other way to describe it. It never once came close enought to touch me, jump on me, strangle me.. rather it just mocked me, and told me how I couldn't do a damn thing and was helpless. Oh and it would laugh at me. The whole thing also occured in my room, how I was sleeping and all (that would follow HSP, as I'd be awake, head on pillow.. able to see suspended body). The episode was exactly the same every night. the "theme" if you will never changed. So yeah if you don't believe in the supernatural, you might just say it was just a pretty rare experience. But if you do believe in the supernatural, then let me go on. See I also had dreams of demons in my DREAMS... not HSP, or any of that, but actual dreams. I noticed that these too happened when I'd be on my back. But one dream in particular,, Kick ass dream. I was on a beach partying with a good friend and lots of hot women..
, but i did roll over onto my back somewhere during the night. Well someway through the dream, The two main chicks me and my friend were dancing with turned into demons. They chased me all through out my dream until I realized I was safe if I merely prayed to God, when I did I woke up. I have posted about my "HSP" dreams as well.. Those ENDED when I professed my faith to the demon, in words so incredibly well, that I don't think I could ever say it like that again. A few more facts. A good friend of mine can see spirits on a day to day basis. He also has studied Demonology extensively. First off, the deamon I saw in my "HSP" dreams I described to him the best I could..... He recognized it to be one he sees lurking around my house. Mind you, I told him of the deamon not the dream.... (as saying the dream first could lead to a biased answer). Also I explained to him what the two deamons looked like that chased me in my dreams. He remembered those deamons, one of them to be an extremely powerful deamon that works right under Satan himself. I had a second set of "HSP" dreams too. See the first set was when I was so stressed out, I didn't know who I even way anymore. But the second set was when I was helping a friend closer to God, and out of grasp from the devil. If you believe in God, you can understand why I think the second time it was easily Satan attacking me, as I was so close to "Stealing" a soul from him. This second set... the HSP was short lived, but when they died.. the dreams turning into deamons chasing me appeared... and THEY in turn died off when I freed my friend from the devil's grasp. A lot to take in, yes... but I find it hard to believe that all of these things are mere coincedences. It just doesn't seem all too logical (and yes Mr. Mephisto, to you everything I just said seem all too illogical
So... Yeah.