All I can say is.. its one of those issues which evey politican talks about and ignores right after until the shit happens.
We DO need research into advancing technology and efficiency in power - using fossil fuels as we currently do for a large part of our power is not going to last for another 100 years - it can easily run out in 50 to 75 years if estimates are correct.
Nuclear - despit what many people think, it is actually very safe and clean IF (and i stress it) proper procedures are always conducted. It is also very efficient and can last long - but there is always the stigma against it.
The future? Who knows - hydroelectric is pretty good and is serving many many parts of America already. Solar and wind can work - right now in California they are experimenting with it and so far it seems to be working.
Future technology may bring about the ever-elusive fusion power and what not - the issue I see is.. what to do during the time between now and the time when we can generate energy much more efficiently? Fuels don't last forever, and we can already see its going to be an issue.