a lot of outboard engines are basically nothing more than normal car piston engines, turned a little...
as for you idea, i would reccommend another route. Rotary.
You will be unique, its an amazingly fun engine, very smal (much smaller than even moce tiny 4 cyls) , cheap, and very light. You basically want a small, lightweight go-kart. make it handle well and its a great idea. again, rotary may be you best power/weight and power/size ratios. Worth looking into anyway.
If your looking at 250-300hp v6's though, chances are it will be very expensive, and need a lot of various electrical components to keep it running at that output. Then again, its late and i might be talking outta my ass. ill think it out in teh morning. Sounds expensive to me though
Dont cry kid, It's not your fault you suck.