I don't know if this is true or not, but i once heard that Robert Openhiember (spelling), the lead scientist behind the Manhattan project went mad after he saw what his invention had done. He never thought they would use it.
No that is not true.
What is true is that Robert Oppenheimer was eventually ousted as head of Los Alamos in a fit of political in-fighting and was latter accused to be a communist (all while the real spies eventually passed the secrets of the A-Bomb to the Soviets through the Rosenbergs.)
The U.S. only had 2 A-Bombs and we used both of them. Had the Japanese not surrendered, the U.S. would not have had another one for years.
This is also not true. After Nagasaki, they were busy assembling a third A-bomb (on Guam?) and were planning the next drop when Japan radioed their surrender.
Both corrections can be checked in the excellent Pullitzer Prize winning book,
The Making of the Atomic Bomb, by Richard Rhodes, $14 from Amazon.