Originally posted by Regziever
Ohh.. Why does it have to make a difference?? As long as i am happy, my family is happy and my friends are happy and i'm not hurting anyone I am fully content. Why does everything have to do with changing the world or putting your mark or whatever?? it's just plain ridiculous.
We live now and only now so let's make the best of it!
I'm not saying changing the world, i'm thinking on a much smaller scale. But I don't see how god seeing in the future past and present still doesn't give you the freedom to do whatever you want? And by the way, according the Mormons we have freedom of choice to do whatever we want, just have to be accountable in the afterlife, The reason satan was cast down from heaven is because before anyone was born he wanted to force everyone to love god and worship him, no freedom of choice, and jeesus wanted people to be free to choose how they live their lives. I'm not LDS but I was till i was 17. They do believe in freedom of choice, but they take the living christlike WAY to seriously and they end up not giving you freedom of choice, thats why I left.