Hee hee you sound like Art Bell. Yes, a massive conspiracy from the liberal media is covering up for saddam's hundreds of nukes hidden is deep silos.
No, they don't have that many, but they have some. There have been studies and they show there is overall a slight liberal media bias over the past 30 years. But can you think on your own for a second? Why would they have all these scientists that specialize in biological weapons and nuclear weapons? They were having them over for tea and crumpets?
So you're in favor of immediate war against Saudi Arabia, since they were the ones directly responsible? Yes? No?
Their time will come.
Now the point of this thread is, NOT that the U.S. used it - but rather the fact that the GOV'T said that it DIDN'T use it - only now to have people come out and say that they DID indeed use it
And who approved of it? Bush? It's all some big conspiracy that the White House is covering up? The Military uses what it uses, the politicians probably didn't make it clear enough that they didn't want to use napalm and other such weapons. Are they going to go through the media to critize them? No, they're going to do that behind doors.
To me, thats the disturbing part - what other weapons did they use? Some Iraqi's said we used the neutron bomb on them - farfetched somewhat, but others say not really - they claimed the soldiers turned into skeletons instantly at the airport at baghdad, hence the "mass" units there suddenly disappeared.
And I'm pretty sure we dropped some MOAB's on them. Those are just normal, everyday 11-ton bombs. These things are so big it creates a mushroom cloud. Could that be what we dropped? Yes.
Oh, and for all these people tossing the word democracy around, we live in a Republic. Please, go back to a high school government class and learn the basics before trying to debate.