One of the best movie gaff catches I ever made was in the movie "Boys from Company C"( one of the best war movies ever) They where using a mock M-16,which is to say they were a.22 caliber rimfire knock off of the original rifle.It was a pretty good likeness of the M-16 except that the magazine was part of the rifle, you couldnt extract it. It was solid piece of metal that you stuck a small .22 magazine into.( and no it wasn't a conversion kit) The only way to tell was if the actor had held the rifle up to the camera so that you could see the bottom of the mag.
When I was a second AD assitant on the Fourth War, They had a US weapons wrangler that put the extras through basic training with the prop guns. It was very intensive.It was quite funny to see these guys show up thinking they were going to make some easy bucks and then have to get not only a brutally short haircut, but endure 2 weeks of boot camp prior to filming.
si vis pacem, para bellum