What's up with the Punk thing?
Since coming to college, I've had some very interesting insights into the whole punk scene. My roommate is very punk. He listens to punk music, goes for the punk look, and lives for punk concerts. Many of his friends are also punks.
I for one have never particularly cared for punk music, and wasn't really aware of the whole punk lifestyle that follows it. Generally the voices of the singers are too high pitched and whiney sounding, and the lyrics all seem to be about middle school and high school relationships, and lots of teen angst. It just seemed to be a style of music that worked with a certain period of life.
Listening to my roommate's friends talk, I realized that a lot of them live lives similar to what the music describes. They get drunk a lot and party on the weekends (not something limited to punks, I know), but where I really noticed the similarity was in their relationships. Here's the situation:
This guy hooked up with this girl, and afterwards they decided to date. I got the impression it wasn't because he liked her that much, more of because she was convenient. I may be wrong, but that's what it sounded like. That was last week.
This week, he's talking about how he really likes this other girl, and he thinks that she likes him too, but the only reason he's not doing anything (yet, at least) is because of the scene that it would make with the current girl that he's with.
Most people I know don't seem to have this sort of issue. They find someone they like, and stay with them, unless something really just doesn't work out. I guess what I'm getting at is does punk music (and the punk culture) promote this kind of relationship, or are the people who would have these kinds of relationships attracted to the music? Or am I just completely missing something?
I'd rather be climbing...
I approach college much like a recovering alcoholic--one day at a time...
Last edited by phoenix1002; 04-23-2003 at 08:50 PM..