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Old 08-06-2003, 09:51 AM   #561 (permalink)
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Location: the phoenix metro
i suppose letting him know he's tagged is a good start.

<i>*phred realizes the gravity of the situation he's been placed under, 9.8 meters per second per second, to be exact. phred uses this new understanding of the world and its limitations to construct a device that, when used, transfers phred's "it" status to someone else via a large and rather forceful means of conveyance. phred points his "it cannon" somewhere in the direction of las vegas and pulls the cord, sending shockwaves across the land as phred's "it" reaches and breaks the sound barrier, screaming and wreaking havok as it arcs. at the apogee, it catches the sun just right to cause such a temporal disturbance that the residents of las vegas, jaded as they are to such things, can't help but look at the impending doom which is to befall one of their own. news stations pick up the story, soothsayers assure eachother of a catastrophe, and scientists predict its point of impact, a small and unassuming apartment somewhere in the city.

*ganguro, having just woken from a fitful sleep, gets up from his luxurious four-poster bed and makes some tofu coffee, still smirking at what he had just dreamed of... realizing it's already well into the afternoon, he wraps a bathrobe around his frame and steps out the door to go check his mail. his fanboy anime of the month shipment is overdue. he strolls over to the mailbox, stopping for a moment, thinking he's hearing sirens, but dismisses it and checks his mail, finding a large, unmarked package. he opens it right there on the spot, his excitement growing as he triumphantly pulls a number of blank pirated videotapes from the air-mail box, his bounty after days of haggling with many merchants and various low-level triad video piraters. walking back toward his apartment with a spring in his step and a pile of videotapes in his arms, he realizes the sirens he heard weren't figments of his imagination. he glances around to see firetrucks, police vehicles, newsvans, large black unmarked yet obvious government vehicles, and a hazardous disposal unit vehicle, all rushing into his complex. dismissing it as another weird las vegas thing, he strolls back to his apartment, turning around again when he sees no less than five acton-hero types all running at him in slow-motion, their voices a chorus of very low-pitched, slow motion nooooooooooos. he catches a glint in what he assumes to be the sun and looks up, not realizing what he's just done. the "it", having flown in a perfect arch, has been speeding back down to earth at a staggering rate and well past the limits of modern man's tracking abilities. the action heroes all realize it's too late as they start their triumphant swan-dive toward ganguro, all determined to be the one who saves them, yet all of their efforts are for not. the "it" strikes ganguro with such a force that his head is whipped back, his feet have left the earth for a mere moment, only to be swept foward as his body rotates in mid-air, spurned on by the force of impact on this poor, unsassuming fellow. unmarked videotapes fly through the air as his arms lose function, scattering in all directions, one even hitting one of the action heroes in the eye, requiring him to later go through five surgeries in a swiss hospital to regain his "rugged good looks." before he hits the ground, the status of "it" has spread through ganguro's body like a virus rampaging through the bloodstream. the scientists, firemen, police, reporters, secret government agents, and action heroes all realize this in a matter of seconds and all back off, leaving in as much haste as their chaotic arrival. in the matter of a minute, ganguro's world has been an ironic tragedy of joy and pain, elation and suffering, and most of all, confusion. when he sits up, he looks around for signs of the crowds that had gathered but realizes there are none, the feeling of "it" now coursing through his veins reassures him of why. he slowly gathers up his videos, re-ties his bathrobe, and walks into the apartment, his otherwise perfect day now marred by these events.</i>

that'll teach you to mess with my girl.
My country is the world, and my religion is to do good.
- Thomas Paine

Last edited by phredgreen; 08-06-2003 at 09:55 AM..
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