Originally posted by *Nikki*
It is really not that women want men who treat them like shit, it's just that the majority of men do it.
Also the majority of men who treat women badly are the attractive ones. The less attractive men tend to be the nicer ones. I don't know why this is, but this is definately the experience I have had.
This seems like a cycle to me.
The attractive guy finds out that, because he's attractive, people, especially girls, tend to like him. He discovers that, even if he's an ass, girls still find him attractive. Less attractive guys find that they can't get by on looks alone, so they become nicer guys in order to survive socially. The girls, however, still find the asshole to be more attractive, so although some girls might think he's an ass, others will still keep going for him because they like how he looks. So it continues.
I hope I worded this in a way that makes sense, it definitely makes sense in my head.
This works the other way around, too, I just put it this way because that's what the original question asked.