I went through most of them. But I now stay clear of all the spyware shit like Kazaa and Morpheus.
My favourites are:
1. WinMX - use it the most. Good for MP3 and ok for movies and sw.
2. Shareaza - A new really advanced and good looking program that connects to several different networks. Has great potential.
3. Kazaa Light - use it sometimes but don't really need it.
4. Direct Connect - The ultimate underground network I guess, but it is complicated and full of brats not letting you into their sub culture. Looks alot like a web of BBS:es. Here you can get anything if you become friends with them. You dl only from 1 user.
Something I have heard though is that it helps to be connected for longer periods. You should'nt log in and search and log out if you don't like the result. Keep it active for a day or two and the searches will improve. If you're on a modem you should'nt do this anyway.