The/lunatic:"you've ovbiously never shot one. you couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with that the the recoil is redicoulous to the point of lunacy. I don't care if the handel has sorbathane or whatever its to much of a gun for 90% of shooters out there the guys out there that could fire a gun like that don't need a gun they can just tear a person or an animal limb from limb with there bare hands "
Um, you've shot one? The recoil is entirely manageable. The weight of the gun, especially with the bull barrel, helps tame the sharpness of the recoil, leaving only a strong push/rise. I've personally fired guns like this (Ruger Super Blackhawk, Ruger Redhawk) one-handed with zero problems.
It is all in how you holw it and not being afraid of it. .44 Magnums are quite easy to shoot and highly accurrate if you know what you are doing.