Originally posted by Menoman
hmm Obediah... in a somewhat Skewed version of my opinion is right. Except for of course the ultimate "Killing of babies" which nobody can prove.
well, he really is right that by having an abortion, you're killing the unborn baby. but, the question is at what point does that baby become a seperate living entity? in my opinion, which i think most will disagree with the extremity of it, until the baby can live outside the mother without medical aid, it is nothing more than a parasite living inside the mother. and aborting it at anytime before it can live on its own does not bother me (although, i think if you're going to have an abortion, you should be making that decision well before the baby is close enough to fully developed).
if i were a woman, i could go to the doctors, and have a group of growing cells in my body terminated and no one would complain. but then again, no one seems to have a problem with killing cancer cells. even at 4 weeks, there isn't a whole lot of difference between cancer and a fetus. they are just a collection of cells multiplying that the body can not on its own get rid of, even if that is what the host most wishes.