In support of putting the child up for adoption. My husband was adopted and it has turned out very well. There are MANY parents out there looking to adopt. The reason there are still kids without parents is because the system is very picky to try to find "perfect" parents for these kids. Also there are a number of these children up for adoption that truely need extra care and support because of defects or birth mom's who were on drugs, alcohol, etc. It just simply takes longer for these to get through the system.
Hubby was adopted the week after birth and his parents were upfront with him about the adoption. When he had moved out of his parents home and was planning to get married to me his parents made the effort to contact his mother. They contacted a middle person who knew who the mother was and they contacted the mother. They asked her if she was interested in meeting her biological son and his soon to be wife. She agree and we met the Christmas before our wedding. It was great meeting her. She sends little cards and simple gifts to her Biological grandaughter and enjoys our notes about how life is going. She was forced into putting the child up for adoption and is grateful to be included in our lives. She has a husband and they have two grown children of their own. We have met all of them. Hubby's Adoptive parents could never had children of their own and cared for and treasured their two adopted children. It is a very positive thing and think of the gift you could give someone who can't have children.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.