I was gonna post one about being surrounded by 30 pissed off whitepower skinheads... and successfully talking my way out of a an assbeating but then I remembered.
I walk up on a car jacking by gun point. Right in the middle of the street a guy had a gun pointed into the window of this small sports car. On the street it was me, my dog, the guy with the gun, his buddy and the guy in the car.
The guy in the car was not cooperating and was jerking his car forward but never commiting to the escape. I stood there for what seemed like a minute just staring, they never saw me. The guy in the car ended up laying on the gas and took the car jacker with him for 20 feet or so.
And then I slowly backed up and kept my eye on them cause I didn't want to be the gun downed witness. Once I was out of sight I hauled ass to a porno shop and called the cops.
The thing was the car jacking took place 2 doors down from my house. I swear for a week everyone I saw was packing a gun. Just my imagination though.
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