I don't trust anybody as much as myself of course, but I have two close friends who I deeply trust. One of which I would fully trust to help me out of a bad situation if one arose, which is really something considering how independent I am. Interestingly, they are both generally considered by people who don't know them well to be greedy bastards who would be perfectly willing to take advantage of anyone. To put it in perspective, both of them used to be used car salesmen.
Seems like the friends I know who think everybody should be treated fairly and equally are the more untrustworthy ones. They give everyone the same mediocre treatment and while they aren't really bad friends, they for damn sure don't make very good ones either. But the people who have basically no regard for those who they don't care about tend to have extreme loyalty and respect for their friends. I think there's a socialism vs capitalism argument in ther somewhere.