07-29-2003, 07:23 AM
#23 (permalink)
Location: USS George Washington
From the Brunching Shuttlecocks:
Name: PigNewtons
Subject: hey you! name our band.
this is the lead sax player from a ska-reggae band from outside of atlanta georgia. and, well, the guitarist and i went on a mad 'coup de etat' and kicked everyone else out, because, to be honest, they sucked. We have now replaced them all and everything is fine except now we no longer have a name, (We kicked that out as well. And i am not going to tell you what it was, because it was truly embarrassing.) SO - for my point - and i do have one...as true, and loyal, shuttlecock fans, we have picked YOU to give us a truly wonderful BRUNCHING SHUTTLECOCKS name. please do this because we love you..and, well, if you don't..we will repetitively send you truly obnoxious email.
peaches, peanuts, and shetland ponies
I assume you've ruled out "Peaches Peanuts and Shetland Ponies" as a possible band name. Anyhow, Odin knows I've come up with enough stupid band names in my time, but I've forgotten them all except "The Munchausen By Proxy All-Stars" and "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Band." Feel free to use either of those, because I sure wouldn't.
If you don't like those, we'll have to fall back on Rucker's Law, which states that any text of sufficient incoherency will contain a good band name. In keeping with that principle, here are some potential band names ripped from our own articles:
Mork 3:16
Long-Distance Esophagus Handjob
Squatting Woman
The No-Pants Tradition
Plastic Blob Head
One Through Twelve
Big Enough Umbrella (This is also a clever Sting reference, if Sting references can be said to be clever.)
The Much Larger Cake Unit
Photon Colonic
Bastard! Coward! Bastard!
Pippi Goes To A Coffee Party
The Gleaming Terrier of Finance
The Freed-Up CPU Cycles
International Sitcom Conspiracy
Minister Pre-Register
Stern Behind-Sexing
Washed and Unwashed (Which you could change to "Washed/Not Washed" to make a clever eighties band reference, if eighties band references can be said to be clever.)
John Q. Penguin's Rocks
Hook, Line and Chakra
Plain Old Regular Enjoyment
Sheep Have A Password
Tertiary Virgin
It's Spelled Orgasm
Good luck and let us know how it works out.