Originally posted by Lebell
While I may not agree with all of it, I think it has some good points.
Let me ask you TFP'ers a question:
Do any of you *REALLY* think that it is better for children to be raised by Daycare workers or do you think it is better when a parent can stay home full time to raise them?
Having both ran my own at home daycare and helped set up a large one, I have to say there is nothing wrong with daycares.
If we had an economy that allowed one parent to support a family that would be great but most of the families that had kids in my daycares were single moms who were using daycare assistance.
We decided somewhere along the line that we didn't want to pay to raise kids (welfare reform), so now the only option is daycare.
If the fathers took responsibility that would be a different matter but way too many of them go off and have another family, fighting paying any child support for the first one they created.
Our culture desperately needs to reevaluate how we value raising children and not just shove the blame on women.
During WW2 there were state supported daycares so the women could work in the factorys.
Why don't we have some kind of system like Sweden where childcare is part of the school system?
The rant printed here is more a man wishing for a system that never really existed except in the fevered imaginations of some neoconservatives.
Even in the 'golden' days there were single parents and broken families.
They just weren't talked about.
At least now we are able to discuss the situation openly.