When the Major asked him about who he killed, etc. and said that it was for survival, did you notice his reaction? He was freaking out. I thought it was because he knew he didn't have to go in there and kill the boy in order to survive, he went in because he wanted to kill something. [/B]
Notice during the climax how much Jim resembles one of the zombies? He's running around, shirtless, dirty, crazed look in his eye, causing deaths or killing people himself, etc. Part of the point being, I think, that it doesn't take a virus (called Rage, note--nice touch) to make someone go violently/homicidally berserk; the potential's there in even the most innocuous British bicycle messenger. Not exactly the most groundbreaking social commentary, but it's cool to see the point made in what on the surface looks like escapist entertainment.