Two guys are walking down the street when they come across a dog licking his nuts. One says to the other, "Damn, I wish I could do that."
The other replies, "Don't you think you should pet him first?"
Two rednecks from Louisiana are driving through Texas when they get pulled over by a state trooper. The cop steps up to the driver's window and taps on the glass. Driver rolls it down and says, "what's the problem?" BAM!! The cop punches him in the face!
"What was that fer?!"
"In Texas you have your license and insurance waiting for me when I get here!"
The cop then writes the ticket and gives it to the driver. Next he slowly walks to the other side of the car and taps on the passenger window. Redneck number 2 rolls down the window and very timidly says,
"huh?" BAM!! He gets punched in the jaw!
"Why'd you do that?!" he yells.
"Just granting your wish." the cop replies
"What wish?!"
"Well I just figure you'd get a bit down the road and say, 'I wish he'd tried that shit with me...."