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Old 07-23-2003, 05:24 PM   #20 (permalink)
Location: Northeastern US - please send help!
Originally posted by BulletCatcher
No big surprise that they're delaying it. I have a friend who was at E3 this year and he told me all anyone was talking about was HL2.
Well, in fairness... the reason for that was two-fold. First, HL2 was announced just weeks before the show after five years of silence, so there's no question it was going to get all of the buzz. Also, id didn't show Doom 3 this year, just a short trailer with minimal new footage. I was at E3 (been to most of them) and the crowds around the Doom video were huge all the time. And since it was only 3 minutes instead of 30, no one had to wait four hours to see it.

Originally posted by CamaroRS1967
Did you really think that Doom 3 would come out this year? Only small things(pics, Alpha) would come out every now & then. We still haven't seen any serious footage of the game yet...
I did. The id guys were real hopeful they could make it happen. Dec. 10, 2003 will be the 10 year anniversary of the release of the original Doom. They really wanted to hit that. Hopefully, after QuakeCon (I'm headed out to cover that, too), we'll know what prevented them from doing that.
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