Why isn't Soccer a more popular sport in the USA?
I know what some of you will say, but soccer is the #1 sport in the rest of the world, except the USA and maybe Canada.
If you think about it, soccer is basically just like hockey except without ice or sticks. The premise is the same. Two goals, two goalkeepers and players with thier own possitions either trying to score a goal or keep the other team from scoring.
Hockey may be faster paced, but i think that both games are equally exciting. We have the MLS here in the states, but it's never taken off on TV or in numbers of fans. I think a lot of the reason is that no one is willing to take the chance on it and give them a decent place to play and some advertising. I mean, youth soccer is HUGE in the US, and the women won the last Women's World Cup but still no major push.
Why do you think that the reason is for professional soccer's lukewarm reception in the states?