This brings up an intersting subject...
Most "Industry Standard" software packages are so expensive there is not a lot of people who can afford to pay for them to learn how to use them. I believe that now a days, companies are beginning to realise that if they issue a free version of their software, it will cut down on piracy. Photoshop is still an exception though. The Commercial Version costs something like $600USD. wich is a fair ammount of cash. And besides that people (myslef included) like to be able to edit their photos. I almost always have Pshop open. Granted i finally bought it this summer, but ive had a cracked version for a long time.
Programs like Avid, 3dsmax, Maya, Combustion, After Effects, and a whole lot of others are now coming out with "Learning Editions" so that the average joe citizen can learn animation or editing if they so choose.
bit of a rant.
Self Styled Pirate