Originally posted by cipher
We know that they had sex, but what kind of physical evidence can you use to differentiate between consensual and non-consensual sex?
She went to the hospital, and had a rape kit. They will have noted all bruising on her body, and any tearing of her vagina.
Still, Kobe's defense will have experts who will testify that the physical evidence can be interpruted differently.
Originally posted by HeyAgain
Can the charge against Kobe be dropped by the woman, if Kobe decides to pay her off?
No. The DA would procede anyway. But, those who hold the money-grubbing opinion look for a civil suit, after the criminal one. (Where the burden of proof is not as large. Think O.J. and the millions he owes).
Personally, and we do not know all the facts, so this is speculation: When is the last time you went to a large hotel and the girl who was at the check-in counter also made deliveries to your room? That to me is a little queer. But, perhaps there is a legitimate explanation.