Yes. You should be shamed to no end. Soon your friends will not call. Later, your dog will ignore you. Finally, your parents will disown you and you will become a street hustler.
On a more serious note, I highly recommend that you find a way to network with people in your area in your field. For example, in Cleveland we have the Cleveland Graduate Council. I know that networking can be hard for some people. But it NEVER hurts to know somebody - especially in a crappy economy. This is especially true if there are only certain areas of your industry that interest you. Good luck.
EDIT: And look above this at some previous posters. Put the garbage out on garbage day. Cook. Clean something. Offer to get the dry cleaning. In other words, do some little thing every day to make life better for those in the household.
Last edited by gov135; 07-17-2003 at 11:20 AM..