Here's my dilemma:
I consider my room mate decent guy and everything, but I can't possibly live with him for another semester. The amount of drugs that pass through our room during a week is enough to give you a contact buzz just hearing about it. And people hear about it. Our whole damn floor hears about the deals that go down in our room because the door is left wide open. And with all the booze and drugs comes other not so plesantries. Such as the munchies. And I being the provider of food has to supply for these munchies. Multiply this by all of his ungrateful, drunk, stoner friends and I run out of food pretty fast. Also late night drinking and general asshole-ish activities when others have tests the next morning kinda gets to me.
The other thing that bothers me is that all of our conversations start out with him saying "Man, I was sooo fucked up the other night......" First off, this is a given by now and secondly every thing after that sentence is basically the same.
Despite all the pot smoking and the pissing in my dresser drawer, he still is a good guy and I'd hang out with him every now and then. So when it comes time to move out of this hell hole dorm and into an apartment, I don't want to hurt the poor guys feelings and say I don't want to live with him. So, I try and avoid the whole subject so he doesn't have a chance to ask if he can move in with me in an apartment. Well, we needed a third person for a prospective apartment and he showed up while we were discussing it and obviously wanted to be that third man. I don't have the heart to tell him I don't want to live with him again. Nothing is set in stone as far as any apartment is concerned, so I'm hoping I can find someone else who's looking for one more person or someone to secretly take my roommate's spot.
Whew, that felt good to get off my chest.