07-16-2003, 08:02 PM
#1 (permalink)
Location: who the fuck cares?
50 TRUE Facts to amaze your friends
- The banana is not classified as a fruit. It is, in fact, a subspecies of duck.
- Geddy Lee's first name is pronounced "Jedi"
- The secret ingredient of southern fried chicken is sawdust
- The Battle of Hastings was actually won by the Sioux nation
- King George IV of England reigned for 238 years and was succeeded by his canary
- Barnet FC is now run as a "nursery" club for Juventus
- The highest grossing UK movie of all time is "Carry on Cowboy"
- Wine connoisseurs widely agree that the most sublime Chardonnay in the world is produced by the vineyards of Northern Dubai
- The square root of 1999 is 666.
- In its first year of business, EuroDisney attracted no fewer than 14 visitors
- Women have big sharp teeth up there
- Walking on the cracks in the pavement is thought to be a contributory factor in the development of testicular cancer
- Given adequate training, a tapeworm can learn to respond to as many as 12 simple verbal commands
- "Loch Ness" actually means "Ice Cream" in Gaelic
- Human hair grows as much as 8 inches a night
- Columbus was not the first European to discover America. That honour went to Roger de Coursey and his "cheeky" bear, Nookie
- Television pictures are transmitted to your home by magic
- In 1994 the most popular name given to new-born boys in the US was "Spunky"
- The worlds first postage stamp, the Penny Black, was 2 square feet in size
- February has 28 days except for leap years when it has 267
- The Millennium Dome at Greenwich is made totally of polystyrene
- The largest bird in the world is the giraffe
- The pyramids were built by aliens to keep their CDs in
- The Pennsylvania dish "City Chicken" is actually made of minced rabbit brains
- There are alligators living in Northampton's sewer system
- The final, spectacular scenes of the blockbuster movie "Titanic" were actually filmed in Norwich City Centre
- Adolf Hitler's real name was Ernie Crackerjack
- The odds of guessing all six numbers correctly in the National Lottery are 6-1
- Princess Diana was killed by a hedgehog
- Scientific studies have repeatedly proved that beer does make your dick get longer
- At any one time there can be as many as 52 people on the internet worldwide
- If you were to unravel the human digestive system it would stretch from London to Gibraltar
- The dolphin is not, in fact, a fish. It is actually a species of herb
- The sun is approximately the same size as 14 Gala Melons
- Monty Python's "The Life of Brian" was actually based on a true story
- Oscar Wilde's last words were "Whoops ma'am, up with the flamingo"
- "Teddy" Bears got their name from US President Woodrow Wilson
- To survive, a mouse has to eat 438 times its own bodyweight every second
- The land speed record is currently held by a 1975 model Ford Cortina
- If you are unlucky enough to spill red wine on your shirt, a simple way of getting rid of the stain is to immediately douse it in Ribena
- All the sound effects on Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" album were provided by Rolf Harris and his Stylophone
- The most successful UK television show of all time was "Oh No! It's Selwyn Froggatt!" with Bill Maynard.
- 93% of all the fossilised dinosaur remains ever discovered were found in one back garden in Swindon.
- The hardest substance known to man is cork
- The cat's ability to always land on its feet is due to it having four hidden "mini-feet" on its back.
- The so-called "Hundred Year War" actually only lasted three days
- Women can only be impregnated on a Saturday night
- The cold germ can only enter the human body through the sole of the foot
- This is the 50th true fact on this page