Originally posted by j8ear
Repulsive to you...maybe. A fact none-the-less. I did neglect to mention that an easy, plausible and realistic link between homos and bestiality can be made. That being extended...
First of all, I'd like to thank you for posting. It's kind of nice to be able to have a much more right-leaning person to compare my views against.
Secondly, there is absolutely no credible connection between pedophilia (or beastiality) and homosexuality. Pedophiles victimize children, often without regard of the child's gender. If you have evidence that states otherwise (that isn't religiously based), I'd like to see it.
Originally posted by j8ear
Perhaps that repulse you also? I could care less. Speaks more about you then anything. The fact that the equations elude you is interesting.
How is consensual sex between two men at all similar to forced sex between an adult man and a child, and often subsequent killing of the child? I see no similarity here.
Originally posted by j8ear
The revolution will be the people reclaiming their creator endowed human rights, slowly being stripped away under the guise of what ever ~you~ want goes. WRONG. Just because it feels good, doesn't make it a basic human right. SORRY.
I agree with you that the government shouldn't be able to tell private organizations who they can and cannot admit into their organizations, however similarly, I think that it is not the government's place to involve itself in the consensual sexual lives of its citizens. If I want to have sex with seven women, or three old women, a jewish fireman, and a judge, it should be none of the government's business as long as no ones civil liberties are being violated.
Don't make the mistake of claiming to want a limited government
except when it suits your theological/personal needs. Basing your political views on something as dynamic and unsupportable as religion is a very bad idea.