In my experience, theists use the excuse, "Well, you just haven't felt what I've felt, that's why you don't believe."
Hmm... this is very, very strange to me. First off, let us begin with the basics:
1.) Every religion claims to be right
2.) Every religion claims that the other religions are wrong
Astounding. Say I ask a Muslim why he believes in Allah. It is likely that he'll give me the mumbo-jumbo about simply having faith, or if he's more aggressive, he'll say that it isn't a matter of question, but simply a matter of knowing. Let's step back, and instead assume that this devout Muslim isn't an aggressive bastard, but instead tells me something along the lines of, "I have felt Allah inside of me, that is how I know he exists." What it boils down to is that all of these religious zealots all think that their religion is right because they have "felt" their holy god's presence in some form. Ok, if Islam is the right religion, then why in bloody hell do I have Christian friends telling me that they've felt God's presence, and not Allah? Or is Christianity the right religion, and are the Islamic the heathens? If you're Christian, then you'd probably be nodding your head up and down right now. If I was to tell you that Islamic people find other religions blasphemous, then a person of another religion would say that the person of formerly-mentioned religion has been trapped by the devil and fooled into thinking that the person not of their religion has found the right faith, but is infact blind and that the peron of the "right" religion has found the light. When asked "how do you know?", you can always argue for hours on end, but when you do reach the end, they always use the same trumpcard: "I've felt [insert holy figure] inside of me/felt their presence. You haven't felt it, this is why you do not believe." Could it simply be that all these religious people are all wrong, and none of them are right? I didn't lose you, did I? Every religion smugly feels that they are in the light and the rest of the religions are in the dark, and if all else fails, they always resort to the same trumpcard. Honestly, it's kind of sick. What bothers me even more is that it's always the Christians who go partying and committing sin more than my non-religious friends, and I know this doesn't just happen where I live; I've heard horror stories of the same thing happening all over the place
The most important thing in this world is love.