Anyone who says 2k is better than XP is ... well I don't want to say they're full of shit, but...
XP (pro) is 2k on steroids dudes. XP Pro wins all around. I use XP Professional but I don't like the bubbly look, so I switch my theme to "classic (2k)" -sometimes.
2k is cool and everything, but XP Pro just flat out owns it: Plug and playability out the wazoo; really friggin stable; much more 'friendly' if you want it to be; completely configurable (you can do anything with this beast). Work or play, XP Professional (or corporate) is the way.
ps: if you don't like all the spiffy features in xp, you can always just get rid of them. it's that simple. Lets say that. I don't like microsoft messenger or their media player. Solution: uninstall 'em
Last edited by sub zero; 07-11-2003 at 01:02 AM..