As of 7/9/03 the poll has PC at 60% and Mac at 36%. Interesting numbers considering that Apple only has 3-4% market share.
I use a PC for everyday work and play. It can be a real pain in the ass sometimes, but so can the Mac. I'm growing weary of Microsoft's attempts to control everything happening on my machine. Apple seems to give you choices. I like the fact that OSX is UNIX _and_ can run all the great graphics and video applications from Adobe, etc. Linux can't.
I'm selling off a bunch of PC equipment to buy a laptop and I think I'll go with a PowerBook. Windows and Mac are relatively interoperable at this point (I have a G4 at home which plays nicely with 2000 Server and XP). Macs might cost a bit more but you know the compatibility will be there.
Anyway, use whatever gets the job done but I'd like to see Microsoft take more hits from Linux and Mac to keep MS on their toes.
How you do anything is how you do everything.