Thanks to everyone who replied. What I finally decided to do was to buy hard enamel grey deck paint, and mix floor texture into it before painting with it. This was sort of a compromise, as I really wanted to put the non-skid surface into the resin so it would last longer. The reason I considered the walnut shells was so I could at least sand them down if it was too rough since walnuts are softer than the grit on the sandpaper.
At least with the paint, if I don't like it, I can strip it off easier than the resin. I put it on today, and so far, its not bad. I'm also going to use strips of outdoor carpet on sections of the floor, which is also a compromise. The carpet will be removable though as I hate the idea of it always being damp.
I guess there's not always a perfect solution when there are so many restrictions. Thanks again.