Originally posted by Derwood
I love how Cigarette, Alcohol and Pot users can so easily rationalize self destructive behavior. Smokers get fucking hostile when you tell them that they are assholes for smoking, pot heads pull out the "no one ever died from smoking pot" bullshit, etc.
Maybe they don't feel they owe YOU a justifaction. Using your same logic I could say how hostile honda drivers are. I mean every time I tell a honda driver he is an asshole for driving a honda they get all hostile like. Not to continue the bullshit but no one has ever died from smoking pot. I mean how so is that bullshit?
I've seen enough people I know turn from bright, focused, goal oriented adults into listless, aimless, uncaring pot heads that I think I wouldn't mind never hearing the word "pot" again.
Have you really though? I really doubt you have met that many adults (over 21 atleast) who never (or rarely) smoked pot before suddenly turn into lethargic slugs. I mean you may be able to cite and example or two but that is definitely the rarity. Its been my experience that the sterotype of the lazy pothead is just that, a sterotype. Its about as good as the sterotype of the black man eating chicken. Sure you can find a few that fit the sterotype but you ignore all the ones that don't. You also ignore those who aren't in that sterotype who do whatever that sterotype says (I.E. White man eating chicken, Lazy non pothead) Saying that 50% of potheads are excessively lazy isn't saying alot when 45% of the general population is excessively lazy.