Interesting points CSflim . . . . but were rubenesque female forms not once pretty desirable? A couple hundred years ago . . . being fat was seen as being affluent = good catch!
Nowadays the poorest sections of society are grossly overweight whilst the wealthy can afford fresh fruit and memberships to health clubs and gymnasia.
you are right about the media and their gross distortion . . . but I think the media is not as influential as they would have us beleive . . . . i think that your natural instincts dominate . . and you will find someone attractive evn if their shap s not currently 'en vogue'.
I recall an interesting tv programme whereby a fashion designer decided to use women from mens magazines as models instead of the usual stick insect clothes models . . . . .and he was raving about their curves and how they 'filled the clothes properly'. You only have to compare the women in top-shelf mens magazines with the women in Cosmopolitan or fashion magazines to realise they are COMPLETELY different . . . mens magazines know their target audience!
Where your talents and the needs of the world cross . . there lies your vocation.