A Thought on homosexuality...
Here is something I have been thinking about recently with all the hoop-la about sodomy and homosexual marriages recently in the news. Anywho in regards to evolution and preservation of the species it seems that homosexuals are at a disadvantage. Their seeds will not be passed on and their genes eliminated from the pool. Now I see that there are 3 possible explainations for all of this, two are related. 1. There is a genetic defect. It is a common arguement that homo's don't choose to be gay, they are "born that way". 2. Funny that homosexuality has exploded in the last century along with the worlds biggest known baby boom (by that I mean a world population of 7 billion). Is it possible it is a natural effect to perhaps lower the population? or 3. Hedonism in the parlence of our times? Perhaps it is a tell-tale sign of western civilizations decline. Rome was experiencing much of the same problems as it came to a fiery end. Perhaps homosexuality is one of many societal woes?
To win a war you must serve no master but your ambition.