Other than speeding (5 to 10 mph over) I can't think of anything I that is illegal. Why should I care if I'm being spied on?
First off, I do perfectly legal things I don't want you, the government, or anyone else to see.
Second, I believe the slippery slope theory does apply to this. Doing something bad in order to prevent something bad is not a solution. It really disheartens me that people don't see this sort of obtrusivness as something bad.
Finally, on top of this there are certian things that are illegal that the government has no business being involved with (again see the Texas sodomy case).
The means to do this via search warrant is a proper and hopefully properly limited way to accomplish this. Opening it up so that the general population can be probed by who knows what part of the government is unacceptable. The individual(s) in question should never have to bear the burden of proof.
Also, related but separate, I don't have a problem with the monitoring of public places. Either by government agencies of public places or by private individuals on their own property i.e. stores, bars, etc.
Last edited by rs8001; 06-30-2003 at 07:56 PM..