Broken link count.
To Retort:
God didn't create creation out of nothing.
She created it out of herself. And in the end it all goes back to God. Like I said a cycle.
As far as particle phsycis goes, where do these quantum fluctuations, (particles appearing out of nothing) come from?
Energy. And where do they go back to? Energy.
Who created God?
Nothing. You can't create God.
God doesn't exist.
God is beyond existence.
So God created everything out of himself. God = all matter and all energy that exists? But you say he's beyond existance so he's not actually creating something out of pre-existing material. So god = creating something from nothing(creating something from something that doesn't exist). Concession accepted.
And yo, I ain't a creationist.
Evolution is fine, DNA and genes are the way things work.
But that picture isn't entirely clear or finished yet.
All I'm saying is that you guys don't have the full picture.
Why in the hell would random molecules start copying themselves?
Biochmeists have a good idea how primitive nucleic acids, amino acids, etc. formed and organized themselves in such a matter that they can form self-sustaining, self-replicating units.
But even if we don't know how it came to be exactly, it still doesn't affirm God's existance. You've yet to show any proof of God besides your flawed logic, "The universe is complicated = God must exist."
You guys have your theories and hypotheses, and they form your religion. You call it the modern scientific viewpoint. But you're no less biased or ignorant as me or anyone else. There are questions that you can't answer, and there are some questions that I can't answer.
False. Science deals with neither the supernatural or spiritual so it cannot be a religion. Science is the observation, study, and experimentation carried out in a order to determine the nature or principles of the thing being studied. Religion is a system of belief and worship of supernatural and proclaimed truths.
Science is the search for truth while religion claims to already know it.
"Religion - This is how the universe works believe what you are told.
Science - This is how the universe works, see our working, if you have questions we'll be happy to show you the evidence.
And snowflakes are Chaos, aren't they?
Fractals anyone?
No, they aren't- at least not compared to the cloud of water they came from.