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Old 06-25-2003, 04:22 AM   #11 (permalink)
Mad Philosopher
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Location: Washington, DC
Originally posted by cheerios
y'all REALLY want your heads blown? some things are MORE infinite than others. take some advanced math classes. abstract algebra and up. fun stuff.

Set theory gets into it, although I've never seen exactly what astaris's talking about.
Actually, as far as I can tell, I was saying the same thing as you.
"Die Deutschen meinen, daß die Kraft sich in Härte und Grausamkeit offenbaren müsse, sie unterwerfen sich dann gerne und mit Bewunderung:[...]. Daß es Kraft giebt in der Milde und Stille, das glauben sie nicht leicht."

"The Germans believe that power must reveal itself in hardness and cruelty and then submit themselves gladly and with admiration[...]. They do not believe readily that there is power in meekness and calm."

-- Friedrich Nietzsche
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