"The Hope That Love Is"
I hope that I am patient enough
To warmly accept all types of people.
I dream of a connection, unseen, -
Yet existing, which joins us all.
I imagine caring as exploring
Depths of the links that bind us.
I hope I am intelligent enough,
To effectively live a happy life.
I pray that I am healthy enough,
To utilize my ability to dream.
I dream I am a teacher to others
Of what I will learn today, -
So that they will teach again,
What they will learn tomorrow.
I hope I am honest in my beliefs,
For they define who I am.
I hope I am honest to myself,
For I define my own beliefs.
I live with these dreams,
These prayers, these beliefs,
For they live and grow in the
Hope that love is.
"It's not that I don't understand, it's that I don't care"
- Homer Simpson