Originally posted by chainsawred
If the "scene" is so weak it can be destroyed by a teenage girl, then its on its last legs anyway dontcha think?
It's not that the scene was weak by any stretch of the imagination. It's just overrun by people who don't deserve to be part of the culture simply because of their ideaology. She's destroying everything punk was founded on by bringing it to the mainstream, and then downplaying it like some kind of fashion. Good Charlotte is simply following suit.
How can she destroy something she isn't a part of? The fact that you think she sings punk rock is what bothers me.
I don't think she has an ounce of punk in her, but if you ask Teen People or any other mainstream magazine, their making her out to be more punk than Brett Guerwitz (sp?). The fact that society places her in that category is simply enough.
Of course you still have your AAA's, Raised Fist's, Propagandhi's, BigWig's, etc., but now you have little girls in Avril T-Shirts going to Warped to to pretend to like them. I think it needs to stop, and one of those magazines needs to denounce her as just another pop-culture pawn used to make money.