Originally posted by Darkblack
Don't get me wrong I do no think one side is right and the other is wrong. Both sides are wrong and until one side takes the high road and stops retaliating terrorism with terrorism it will not end.
I agree with you to a point - I don't think ending a chance of retaliation will stop anything - I think when you know there will be no retaliation you are simply inviting the act. The only way to stop the terrorism in the Middle East is to end the support for it. As long as other Middle Eastern countries are open to political and economical blackmail - willing to finance the terrorists so long as the do it somewhere else it will not stop. Hamas would die, probably in a short time, if Saudi Arabia and others in the area quit paying them blackmail money (somehow the old quuote "millions for defense and not one cent for tribute" comes to mind) - The problem is that they are more afraid of the terrorists than Israel is! That's why they continue to pay - maybe since they have felt the terror themselves in Saudi Arabia they will clamp down on the cash flow.