On the chance that you are simply honestly misinformed, you should know that no one is kicking Palestinians out of their land. On the contrary, Israel in the Oslo process was falling over itself in it's attempt to withdraw from the territories. That's part of why they continued to make concessions even when the Palestinians were breaking every agreement made with them. No one is kicking them out of anywhere, and the current government of Israel even now supports a Palestinian state. The only time Palestinians lost their homes was in the 1948 war, when 67% fled as the war started, thinking they could come back after the Jews were wiped out (they weren't), and 33% who were evacuated from their homes in the course of the war when their village was a military threat (many of the arab villages were forward bases for the arab armies, and as arab positions, when they were in locations that were a serious military threat the Israelis seized the area in order to defend themselves. The most obvious example would be some of the arab villages in the galilee. No one was expelled for the purpose of stealing, the Jews were trying to defend themselves from attack by 5 armies, and needed secure borders. With that exception, the Palestinian arabs have not and are not being expelled from their land in any way, though with a lot of the propaganda floating around you'd think that they were.
Truth is peace. We are all souls in bodies.